Prayer and Fasting

Jesus replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting” Mark 9:29 We live in a beautiful but broken world. We are bombarded by images of societal breakdown and conflict from across our nation and the nations. We are so aware of personal pain and conflict in our workplaces, our schools and our…

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At Jubilee Community Church, we seek to enable every person to be included in the life of the church and all the activities within it, regardless of their physical or learning ability or language. In the 0-18’s team we have been looking to ensure that we offer all children the chance to join in with…

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Changing Places Toilet!

At Jubilee Community Church we are clear on two things – the church is for everybody, and we want to serve the local community. There is one section of our local community who are badly let down in the area around East Grinstead.  Imagine having to go home every time you need the toilet! To…

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Worship Team Auditions

Monday 25th July 2016 – 7:30pm The worship team is looking to grow their pool of talented musicians! If you’ve ever considered or been interested in being in a worship band then why not have an audition and see where we can use your gifting within the church? As we are growing as a Church,…

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G & Dan in Istanbul

From the 9th-17-th June Dan and myself travelled to Istanbul on a mission’s trip with 5 other Impacters.  Our mission began on the Friday when we travelled to Yalova by Ferry. We arrived at the camp around lunch time and ate with all the families. The camp reminded me of Ashburnham, a family event where…

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Ten8 Edinburgh

Last week myself and Quincy from Kings Church Oxted flew up north for a conference called Ten8. What is Ten8 I hear you ask? Well Ten8 is a conference where all the students in Edinburgh from a bunch of churches come together and serve together. Your next question might be…why is it called Ten8? The…

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Blaze Weekend Away

So what is the Blaze Team Weekend Away?  In a nutshell, an awesome time spent in each other’s company and in God’s presence having fun and getting to know each other a bit better.  We were yet again blessed with stunning May weather, and the sun shone on our time together. Who are we?  We…

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Newday 2016

The summer is approaching so it must be time to think about NEWDAY 2016! This is our fantastic trip to join the New Frontiers youth family for a week of camping, teaching, worship, community outreach and fun! Our Glo team will be taking a group of young people up to the Norfolk Showground and will…

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Job Vacancies

Jubilee Community Church (JCC) East Grinstead is a Newfrontiers church (part of the Newground Sphere) of 330 adult members with a community strength of about 450. A community of Christian witness in the town for over 200 years, JCC has grown significantly over the last decade. In July 2007 the church bought and then refurbished…

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