The Jubilee Community Centre is a 44,000 square feet building in East Grinstead, bought and refurbished by the generosity of church members, which not only meets the needs of all church activities but also provides a modern and flexible resource for the local and business communities.

Jubilee For Men provides a welcoming space for men in the church to come together for prayer, lively conversations, and engaging activities. Whether you enjoy great food or are simply seeking friendly interaction, this is a wonderful opportunity to connect with others.
The group meets each term and organizes an annual Weekend Away. Additionally, monthly prayer meetings are held on Saturday mornings from 7.30 to 8.30am.
For more info email:
Our prayer is for all women to feel loved, accepted, and equipped to live and serve God's purposes. We envision women of all ages living the abundant life Jesus promised, guided by the Holy Spirit and fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).
Please join our ladies’ prayer meetings on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 7.30 - 8.30am. We also have regular 'Food and Fellowship' meetings on a Thursday evening.
For more info email:


Oasis is a women's group that meet Thursday mornings during the day to share God's word, pray together, and exchange testimonies.
Occasionally we enjoy lunch outings and once a month we visit a care home to bless the residents with Gods love. We warmly invite you to join our small, close-knit community.
For more info email:
Jubilee Young Adults is the church's ministry for those aged 18 to around 25. We gather three times a month: once for in-depth study, once for worship and hearing from God, and once for socializing.
Join us to grow in faith, connect with others, and enjoy a supportive community.
For more info email:

OVER 65's

Link-Up is our popular group for those over 65, offering a fun morning with great company once a month. We meet every third Tuesday from 1.00pm to 3.00pm, enjoying coffee, tea, biscuits, an activity, and a light lunch.
Our friendly team can provide transport to and from Jubilee Community Centre for those who need it.
For more information email:
or call 01342 328334.
Short Mat Bowls
This group is for retirees seeking some exercise and good company! We meet every Monday afternoon from 2.00pm to 4.00pm at the Jubilee Community Centre. Beginners are always welcome, and we take a break halfway through for tea and biscuits. Transport can be provided if needed.
For more information email:
or call 01342 328334.