As you may be aware, we have now cancelled the Friday night community youth club. All youth and parents have been made aware of the change, but we wanted to give the rest of the church an update on what is happening with Glo to enable you to continue supporting us with prayer and encouragement.

We are now starting Glo+ which it is specifically for our Ignite and Encounter JCC youth and will not be open to all of the community. Last Friday and next Friday (30th September) Glo+ will be held from 8pm-9.30pm @JCC. There will not be a charge for entry, although there will be a tuck shop and café! Entry and registration will be at the side ramped entrance (the Footprints and Meridian door).

We have delayed the start to 8pm so that any of the community teens that may be expecting a youth club will not get confused if they see our youth coming in to the building. Hopefully after 2 weeks of running like this we will start again at 7.30pm as previously planned.

This has been a very hard decision to make as the past 2 years of Friday Youth Club have been tremendously successful for JCC, but providing such a massive youth club for 200+ teens has required up to 20 youth leaders which we can no longer commit to at the moment. Also our heart and priority is that we disciple our church youth, that we put their personal growth and walk with Jesus ahead of serving our town. Although ultimately we hope to be able to do both, we are not currently at a stage that we can.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers for the youth club over the years, and we thoroughly hope that you will be able to support us with prayer regarding this decision and the next season for Glo+.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Matt Hoyes on or call the office on 01342 328334.