October Gift Day Vision

“God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply” – James Hudson Taylor  Hudson Taylor was a missionary who spent 51 years spreading the Gospel in China. His words are still flavoured with the integrity of a life spent for the gospel.  Over the past 6 months we have seen so much change to our world, yet…

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Helping the Nations

Beirut Workshop Our vision at Jubilee Community Church is to see more people, more like Jesus in our neighbourhood, the nation and the nations. Within our church we have links with the charity SeedFund, which is a charity that supports start-ups to help poor communities and there is an opportunity to support a workshop to…

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Beth-el Church Albania

Update on Beth-el Church since the Gift Day For some time now we have been developing a good friendship with Beth-el Church, Tirana, Albania. The church was planted almost 30 years ago, soon after the fall of communism in that country. As in most cities there are a number of rich people and poor people,…

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The Marriage Course 2020 Update

Sadly, the planned Marriage Course at Jubilee Community Church that we planned to run from Monday 11th May had to be cancelled.    However, the Elders are aware that, at this time of increased uncertainty and social distancing, many marriages are experiencing additional pressures. We were, therefore, delighted when a small team discovered that it…

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