May Gift Day 2020

May Gift Day 2020 I think it is fair to say that never in my lifetime has one word dominated the world’s news like Covid-19 has over the past few weeks. These times are truely new and uncertain for us all. In light of this, it may seem strange for me to tell you that…

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The Marriage Course 2020

The Marriage Course will be available at Jubilee Community Church again from Monday 11th May, for seven Monday evenings beginning at 7.15 pm and finishing at 9.50 pm. The Marriage Course has been run in over 127 countries for over a million couples. The Marriage Course was developed in 1996 by Nicky and Sila Lee…

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The Wonderful Everyday

‘The Wonderful Every Day’ This phrase ‘The Wonderful Every Day’ stirs memories of child hood joy where holidays lasted an eternity and there was deep satisfaction found in the company of friends and family. Long bike rides in the summer sun, sleep overs & den making on the Ashdown forest seemed to fill every day…

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Job Vacancies

We’re excited to announce that we’re advertising some new job opportunities at JCC! Lizzie Scotcher will be stepping down from her role as inclusion and pastoral care administrator at Easter, to enable her to spend more time 1 on 1 with people, rather than handling the administrative tasks for the inclusion and pastoral work that…

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Praying All Week!

Praying all Week! Welcome to 2020 Jubilee Community Church! John 15v7 is a verse that we feel has real significance at this time. 7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. Learning to abide: (to remain, stay, and wait) comes at a cost…

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