Impact at Centre Parcs

  On the 4th of January myself and G travelled about four hours on four different trains and one taxi ride to get to Centre Parcs just by Thetford. Only arriving about fifteen minutes later we were straight into worshipping God. That is the best way to start Impact at Centre Parcs. Getting into the…

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Mark’s Gospel

“More people, more like Jesus” Our vision at Jubilee in its simplest form is represented by these five words! Last year we spent time on Sundays looking at God’s big picture and during advent we saw how that big Picture is most perfectly displayed in the incarnation. Jesus was born, the word became flesh, God…

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Worship Team Auditions

Thursday 4th February 2016 – 7:30pm The worship team is looking to grow their pool of talented musicians! If you’ve ever considered or been interested in being in a worship band then why not have an audition and see where we can use your gifting within the church? As we are growing as a Church,…

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Little Stars

We had a great first term at Little Stars from September to December.  In the history of Little Stars (nearly 3 years!),  we have never had a week go by when we have not had a new person.  Little Stars is well known in the town for being a friendly, welcoming, and fun place to…

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0-18s Prayer Bookmark

Acts 2.42 tells us that the early Church were devoted to the Apostles teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. We want to be the kind of church that prays continually, whether that be corporately, in small groups or personally.   At Jubilee Community Church we believe strongly in…

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Christmas at Jubilee

Christmas time seems to come round quicker every year, it feels like just yesterday we were into our summer series, but yes, the festive season is upon us! We love Christmas at Jubilee, not only do we celebrate the birth of our saviour, Jesus, but there’s a whole host of events to get involved with,…

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