Regular Giving Review

In 2 Corinthians 8:7 Paul writes, ‘But since you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you – see that you also excel in this grace of giving.’ We believe that Jubilee Community Church (JCC) is a church that excels in…

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Gift Day November 2015

Why have Gift Days? St Francis of Assisi is famously credited with having said: “I preach the gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere I go and sometimes I use words” The church is meant to spend as much time as possible talking about Jesus, being Jesus to their community and becoming more like Jesus in its…

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New Staff Post at Jubilee

Senior Administrative Leader                                    Jubilee Community Church East Grinstead   Introduction Jubilee Community Church East Grinstead is a Newfontiers church (part of the Newground Sphere) of 330 adult members with a community strength of about 450. A community of Christian witness in the town for over 200 years JCC has grown significantly over the last decade.…

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Alpha Taster Evening

Want a taste of what Alpha is like? Well, come along and enjoy an evening of live music, coffee, cake and good conversations. SPECIAL GUESTS: Andrew and Rachel Wilson, authors of the book ‘The Life You Never Expected’. Andrew and Rachel will be sharing their story and experiences on bringing up two children with autistic…

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Newday 2015

At Newday this year, Glo youth had an amazing time. What made our week so remarkable and memorable was the presence of God in all of us, wherever we went, in whatever we were doing. The Holy Spirit began to work in us even before the first main meeting. I think that for me, the…

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Sparklers Relaunch!

God is doing a new thing among our babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, and off the back of that as a church we are re-launching Sparklers. We passionately believe that babies and children can meet with Jesus and be affected by the Holy Spirit. They are never too young to hear from God, they just don’t…

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Impact September 2015

Impact at JCC with role description Here at Jubilee Community Church we run a gap year volunteer training course called Impact. Impact is for people who want to grow in their relationship with God by serving the local church. Primarily, Impact is a discipleship year, a year for trying new things, stepping out in faith…

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