Worship is to love God

When asked by a Pharisee ‘What is the greatest commandment in the law’, Jesus replies ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment’ (Matt 22:36-38).   Worship is what we are created for – to love God.…

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Arise Counselling Service

Arise Counselling Service was birthed out of the ‘field hospital’ prophecy given at Jubilee Community Church (JCC) in 2016 of which an extract follows: “This church will become a strategic field hospital. The walking wounded will be coming through our doors and there will be many of them. They will have serious injuries and they…

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Plans and Purposes: the door opens to adventure   God has plans and purposes for each of us. Revealed always in His perfect timing, giving us what we can handle, and not more. Claire and I have been on a journey calling us to church planting. This is about that journey, and the next exciting…

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