Arise Counselling Service was birthed out of the ‘field hospital’ prophecy given at Jubilee Community Church (JCC) in 2016 of which an extract follows:
“This church will become a strategic field hospital. The walking wounded will be coming through our doors and there will be many of them. They will have serious injuries and they will have suffered trauma. The world will have damaged them and they will be seeking ’emergency treatment’, they will need hope and healing and they will come to this place, this field hospital.”
From its beginnings Arise, has worked in partnership with JCC whilst maintaining its independent status as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) since May 2019.
The Arise vision and provision of affordable counselling to those living in East Grinstead and the surrounding villages, remains central. In four years, Arise counsellors have seen over 340 clients at over 5800 client sessions with almost 30% of referrals coming directly through local churches and 20% through mental health services. The rest are people self-referring, coming through personal recommendation or via other organisations. The demand for counselling continues to accelerate due to the on-going impact of the pandemic and the cost of living crisis. Among our team of 18 counsellors, we are able to offer around 45 sessions per week online and in-person.
All the counsellors and trustees working with Arise agree with the Evangelical Alliance Statement of Faith, although it is not the purpose of Arise to advance, teach or promote the Christian faith, and counselling is available to people of all faiths and none.
We have seen God’s blessing and provision in so many ways throughout the past four years and are looking forward to all that He has in store for Arise going forward.
We are currently advertising for a Counselling Team Lead / Clinical Lead to drive continued growth and build on the success of Arise, from April 2023. (This role may be split into two roles). If you think you have the passion and expertise to both manage and develop this vital service we would love to hear from you.
We are also always looking for volunteers and trustees to join the team.
Please click on the above links for details of the roles.
More information about Arise can be found on our website.
Written by Arise