Dan Baptist: Changes to our Sunday service

Psalm 95

1 Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. 2 Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.

3 For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods.


I love our Sundays together. They really are a highlight of the week for me and have so often been life-directing when I look back.

As we put together our Sunday services we are in constant review and conversation around how we allow God to do what only he can do in our midst. Jesus is the centre and foundation of our meetings, yet he gives us the freedom to decide upon order, style etc etc

Going back to 2019 for a moment, we shifted the order of our services to respond to going online. We reduced the amount of time in sung worship and placed the preach earlier in the service. Now fast forward to July 2022 and we are largely back in the room and once again, it’s time to make some adjustments in response to what God has been teaching us, and how we see the services flow.

With all this in mind, we are looking to bring forward our primary time of worship. This, we feel, will bring a better flow to our sung worship, and enable contribution to be brought into the heart of our meetings.

Our aim is always to remove unnecessary junctions/breaks in our service. By doing this we allow the Holy Spirit, in partnership with our Hosts to have more freedom to flow from one section to another.

We aim to make this change from the 24th July, in time for our Summer services.

This change, to one extent, won’t affect serving teams or the overall length of service. In fact, there will be some who don’t notice the shift. However, in our minds this change represents a desire to be open to God, to allow Him to lead with more freedom and these intentions always mark an exciting change for an individual or Church – so watch this space!