“God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply” – James Hudson Taylor
Hudson Taylor was a missionary who spent 51 years spreading the Gospel in China. His words are still flavoured with the integrity of a life spent for the gospel.
Over the past 6 months we have seen so much change to our world, yet this call from God to be about his kingdom remains full of purpose and bright with hope.
May Gift Day Update
In May we raised a wonderful £36,000. We decided to allocate that into 3 areas:
Neighbourhood – We put £20,000 aside for the care, support and ongoing mission to East Grinstead and the surrounding villages. £3000 was given to refresh and update the church building. The rest has gone into the support of individuals, evangelism, blessings boxes as well as the care of the poor.
Nation – We invested £5000 into the setup of our online Church. Equipment, software and stage set were all part of this and we hope it will be an investment into the future of our voice online.
Nations – Every year we give away about £38,000 to other nations. With the financial impact of Covid-19 on both our income and giving we needed to supplement this from the gift day. Therefore, £11,000 was put aside to help continue this work. This included financing food support in Albania and Zimbabwe as well and our ongoing support to the church plant in Berlin. You can find more about this on our website.
We are also excited to report that building work for the new prayer room at Jubilee Community Centre will continue shortly. The project was put on pause at the start of Covid-19, however we are looking forward to now continue this using funds previously ring fenced.
October Gift Day Vision
We are blessed to say that God is providing for us in this season. In Gods goodness we have seen the combined effect of the Church’s generosity, the furlough scheme, the mortgage holiday and other contributing factors has kept us in a financially stable position. Though there is uncertainty and it remains important to prepare for the future, we feel we are able to largely focus our support this autumn towards some amazing projects I want to share more about.
Zambia – Zambia has been impacted by the shutting of factories, offices and industries as a result of the Covid-19. Joseph and Lillian, along with support from Scott Marques, plan to kick start business to offer work and income for the poor. For £200 they are able to raise up a small chicken enterprise of 100 chickens able to provide regular income.
Joseph and Lillian are also involved in the feeding of hundreds of the poorest children in their community. Before Covid-19 they were supporting about 300 children, this has now risen to 600. Due to this increase some of the children are sent away hungry each day. Therefore, we would like to commit 90% of the gift day to their work.
Nitty gritty – The remaining 10% will be used to keep our facilities in good condition. We have now been in our centre for over a decade and naturally some things need improving to keep the building functioning well. We are also active members in the New Ground sphere and will be giving a gift to support the apostolic oversight, planting of new churches and other work that New Ground are involved in.
I hope that you will join us this October to take a gift together at this tough time.
In Love
Dan Baptist – on behalf the Elders at JCC