Searching the streets for ‘better’
“It’s better to give than to receive” – Acts 20:35.
Paul says this to the Ephesians quoting Jesus. This is likely a ‘wisdom’ you will have been taught as a child by an adult looking to instil a grain of generosity in you. But it really is a very upside-down concept to grasp even as an adult! I mean… ‘the less I have the better off I will be‘…really?
Praying street-by-street this year, I have encountered this wrong-way-up truth once again. The last 18 months have caused us to give more to ourselves than ever before – we were forced to. Whether time, or treats, we have had very little opportunity to give away and we are the worse for it!
The simple act of taking time to walk and pray for someone else’s life, business, relationship with God, marriage, pet etc, will refresh the soul. What we teach our children really is true and really is better.
I pray you will encounter the ‘better’ of God as you give away blessings and prayers to your community this summer.
Dan Baptist