New arrival – 24/7 prayer room is nearly here! 

As we, Jubilee Community Church, prepare to open a brand new 24/7 prayer space in the centre, I wanted to share this blog from Pete Greg to fuel faith and anticipation. It was written in 2007 so you can only imagine the answered prayer that has happened in the last 4 years! Enjoy 

It’s been eight years, one month and 28 days since the first 24-7 Prayer Room sparked into life on the south coast of England.  As we stand on the cusp of our ninth year of unbroken prayer we can but marvel at how God has used this extreme idea to meet with people and renew the Church the world over. 

Periodically I love to stop, make a cup of tea and sit down to take stock of what’s happening.  I read through the emails I’ve received from people learning to pray in holy spaces held together with gaffa tape and blue tack and I check our nifty stat counter to marvel at how fast the prayer is spreading.  Though I’d share this month’s results so get ready to say a big thank you to God… 


As of the morning of Friday, November 2nd 2007 we have had 4370 registered Prayer Rooms.  Isn’t that incredible?  That’s an estimated 200,000 people who’ve met with Jesus in creative spaces around the world.  Now if there haven’t been at least that many prayer rooms again that are praying but for one reason or another haven’t signed up here I’ll eat my hat. 

24-7 prayer has spread into every continent but Antarctica.  Each year God has his finger on a different nation.  In 2007 I believe one of those nations is Finland.  There have been pockets of prayer up and down that country that has given birth to mission and faith. One group of Christians in Oulu have been so impacted by prayer they’ve had a rhythm of prayer rooms running almost every month starting from a weekend and then just recently growing to whole weeks. Persistence in prayer is rising from many nations.  Groups in South Africa, Russia, Canada and again in Finland prayed 24-7 for three months or more!   Last month citywide Churches in a city in Slovakia began a year of unbroken prayer in a building in their city.  Catholic fellowships, Charismatic Churches, Methodists, Baptists, Lutherans and other Free Churches have actually “adopted” the prayer room as one of their main focuses for 2008. What will God do through such persistent and unified prayer? 


There are now an estimated 50 24-7 Communities and Boiler Rooms around the world!  That’s 50 groups of people living out rhythms of prayer, mission and mercy.  Some as small as a family household, others fully fledged urban Boiler Rooms the primary spiritual community of over a hundred people.  

The Kansas City Boiler Room now gathers over 100 young people, with chefs cooking for people who come to hang out with them.  The Vancouver Boiler Room is a much smaller group who have been praying without ceasing now for 4 years!  In fact prayer has become such a normal occurrence inside the Boiler Room and in the streets surrounding it that when a mission team arrived and offered to pray for the locals, they were stunned when some of the locals would turn around and offer to pray for them.  The Ramsdorf Boiler Room in Eastern Germany is now sustaining a rhythm of five prayer times a day.  With growth in both number and depth I’m excited about the potential of these pockets of pray-ers around the world. 

Whilst we met in Seville in October Pete Greig reminded us that before every major revival God has mobilised a movement of prayer.  We are living in an unprecedented global up surge of intercession.  I was told earlier this year by fellow pray-ers that in the UK alone we’ve gone from 10 prayer organisations to over an estimated 400 in just ten years.  Keep surfing this wave, keep pursuing Jesus and lets see what God’s got planned. 

So at JCC we are delighted to have carved out a permanent space for anyone to come and pray. You can look forward to hearing testimonies in the room, taking part in a creative wall and more. The exact launch date is still TBC, but its not long now! 


Dan B