The Next 5 Years Pt 2

October 6, 2019

Bible Text: Nehemiah 2 |


Vision Sundays 2019
A picture was shared on the 11 th August about a person who was finding it hard to see the
vision God has put before them. The picture was of driving in a car and staring out through a
wide windscreen to see all that was on the horizon. However as the person stared through the
windshield they became aware of a smudge on the inside of the windscreen that was in their
line of sight. After this picture was shared we heard from our life verses who all touched upon
pain and difficulties but keeping in mind God's vision for us, most notably the vision of Eternity. I
realised I was in danger of becoming short sighted, expectant of little, cross eyed in my vision of
Him, all because of a smudge! It is our hope that we will become increasingly aware of THE
vision again. The vista before us, the broader issues – the big picture!
JCC Vision Statement;
More people more like Jesus in our neighbourhood, nation and in the nations
Why do we exist?
Jubilee exists to worship and glorify God, love people and bring His kingdom to East Grinstead
(and beyond). We believe heaven applauds when a person is saved, when the poor are cared for
and when Jesus’ disciples, in obedience, follow him in faith.
The next 10 years at JCC
1) We sense God calling us to pray.
“Prayerlessness is the beginning of rebellion” – We live in a prayerless nation and have
ourselves grown accustomed to act first and pray second. God is calling us to
re-prioritise our lives, to reset our heart as He leads us into prayer.
2) The invitation of Salvation.
It was prophesied that we would go through a time of pruning. We’ve planted out, and
given of our best and seen God reshape us over the last few years. Pruning is a costly
work, however it’s done for the purpose of health and growth. We now, in faith, look to
pursue God for this kingdom growth in the coming years sensing a new time is here.
3) It’s family business .
God’s kingdom call is a family adventure. We see a time of radical forgiveness and
gospel centred unity, defining us as the family of God. Family requires that we love, that
we do our bit and that we fight to honour each other.
4) A fresh outpouring.
There have been many outpourings of the spirit in this nation, and we sense we are living
in a new time of blessing. We see God moving in fresh power and so our hearts cry out
for more.