God’s Big Picture – Nehemiah

November 1, 2015

Bible Text: Nehemiah 1 |


Nehemiah – God’s Big Picture                                                                                                              

Key Scripture: Nehemiah, Ezra, Neh 1, John 11:1-44, Eph 6:10-20, Matt 5:13-16


Application Questions:

1)              What do you find tough about prayer?

2)              Why not push through the awkwardness and spend time in Prayer this week, with friends, family, community group etc

  1. Ask God to break your hearts for the broken. Ask for a fresh passion for prayer.
  2. Spend time worshiping by declaring truth of who God is, and by recalling the promises of God from Scripture. Thank God for specific promises over your life.
  3. What challenges and opposition are you currently facing? Receive God’s invitation, pray fresh faith and hope into tough situations. Why not pray through each item of ‘the whole armour of God’ in Eph 6:10-20.

3)              What areas of A. church life and B. Society has God put on your heart to rebuild?

4)              Are you aware of any areas in your life where you have been unfaithful? Repent, receive forgiveness and rebuild…

Sermon Topics: