Finally it was the 7th of May, a bank holiday and we couldn’t wait anymore! Some team members that live outside of East Grinstead got to the town centre before the rest of us did! Well done folks! We were so ready!
The morning came with bright clear blue skies as we set out to connect with the people of East Grinstead and share the love of Jesus and the Father’s heart for them.
God had gone ahead of us and opened doors for us, he gave us favour with the people who would stop in the middle of their business and listen to our testimonies of Jesus and receive prayer for healing, domestic issues or the blessing of God upon them.
We knew God was at work because even people who were reluctant at first became open to conversations with us.
So in teams of twos and threes on occasions, we had a total of 9 teams. Some were singing, playing and making music at the stall, while others engaged in free face painting for children. Another team were stationed at the stall dishing out Jelly Beans and information leaflets including the Church magazines to people and inviting people to receive prayer for healing and other needs as required.
The rest of the teams would disperse to the crowd to approach people at different stalls, introduce themselves as members of Jubilee Community Church and say that we were out to share the love of Jesus and pray for people. For some people, this was not their cuppa tea but for others, it seemed to be meeting a spiritual need and yet for some, it meant pushing through as God would permit, to gain reasonable access and confront them with the truth of the gospel.
I remember our team approaching a lady who looked to be in her late thirties and was managing a stall with her team, giving out their invitations to people. They’d been very busy and couldn’t talk to us initially but agreed that we could come back. We did go back purely through God orchestrating things. She was still busy but was able to listen to us for a few minutes even if it was just to get rid of us. In the end she would give us a prayer point for something that seemed to be of utmost importance to her and we prayed together, shared hugs and left her in tears saying to each other ‘I love you’. There is no doubt that God was saying to her ‘I love you’
We received amazing stories of heartfelt conversations and prayers from various teams. We estimate that we talked and prayed for about 50 adults with some conversations ending in prayer. Back at the stall several people were prayed for.
Our music was a big attraction to passers by who would stop to look in and listen. It also helped to slow people down to collect church info leaflets that we were offering.
We collected prayer points on post it notes and flip charts for our prayer box and there’s on going prayers for these.
We are delighted that we made reasonable connection with the people as planned. The seed of the word was planted and we would continue to trust God for fruit. May they feel and know the love of God the father.
The adventure continues every Saturday in the town centre.
Here’s what some team members had to say about the May Fayre;
‘It was an amazing team effort both before and on the day. It is wonderful to see the body of Christ together praying, loving and helping others’
‘Many thanks for giving me the opportunity to serve in this way and especially to learn’ …
Thank you everyone for praying for East Grinstead town and the May Fayre team. Please keep praying for the outbreak of salvation and the demonstration of the supernatural power of God. Pray that our town will know the love of Jesus.
Lastly our massive ‘Thank you’ to Hannah, Sue and their excellent admin team! They simply made this happen… served us so well. Thank You!
Thanks Simon and the eldership team for sending us out!
May Fayre Team