Easter Trip “Catching Fire” 2017

This year’s Easter trip 10-14 April is focused on the Holy Spirit – and we need your prayer during that week, please pick a seminar or main meeting and let us know you are praying for us by emailing me on matt@jcceg.co.uk.

When I started as 0-18’s Pastor, God reminded me of the role of the Holy Spirit in my life, how I was baptised in the Holy Spirit as a child, how I was refilled over and over again and how this played a huge part in God keeping my faith alive even when my walk was far away from Him. Baptism in the Holy Spirit was the turning point in the New Testament that saw the radical change in Acts from disciples of Jesus hidden in a room to radical, courageous, kingdom bringing disciples who changed the world…because they were baptised in the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus, illuminates the Father’s heart and empowers and sets a believer free to live a life that glorifies God.

This Easter trip is full of teaching on why we need Him, and to be filled, empowered and led by Him and perhaps most importantly creating time and space for our Heavenly Father to pour out His Spirit upon our team and youth.

…so we need prayer this week. God gave me a picture of a wall of prayer and intercession surrounding our youth during every seminar, main meeting and time of worship. That is my request to our church. We want to know that when we speak, teach and worship, that our church are covering us and our youth in prayer.

Will you join with us on this trip and cry out to God for His Spirit to be poured out on all flesh, that our youth would be filled, baptised, set free, imparted with gifts and radically transformed to know the love of Jesus Christ and His call on their lives.

Below are the different sessions that we are asking for prayer to cover.

Seminars 9am-10am:

Our morning seminars will demonstrate and testify just how important having the Holy Spirit is. Each seminar will end with a “workshop” allowing opportunity for the youth to experience Him and ask for His help in those areas.

Holy Spirit and me: Freedom in worship (Lottie Hill)
Holy Spirit and me: Prophecy workshop (Jake Defriend)
Holy Spirit and me: Through the good and the battle (Claire Paul)
Holy Spirit and me: Relationships (Holly Gunter)
Holy Spirit and me: “I’m still a gift!!” (Kat Gunter)
Holy Spirit and me: Trust (Dan Glover)
“Glo dreams”, what is on your heart to see through Glo and JCC in our neighbourhood, nation and the nations! (Matt Hoyes)

Evening meetings 7pm-8.30pm:

Each main meeting will have a time of worship and response where the youth will have the opportunity to be prayed for to receive baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Monday – “Who is He and what is baptism in the Holy Spirit?” Matt Hoyes
Tuesday – “You can only be you when you are filled by Him.” Adam Simpson
Wednesday – “Don’t let anything hold you back from Him.” (Lads and Ladies night split)
Thursday – “He comes with gifts!” (Lottie Hill)

So please pick a seminar or main meeting to pray for us during that time. Let us know which one you will be doing!

Thanks so much!

Matt and the Glo team