Day 31 of 40 days of devotion

Written by Alan Mathers

The Anglican lectionary gives a Psalm for every day. I‘m familiar with them also in Sunday Worship. Most of them are David’s. David was an accomplished musician and song writer with a brief spell as Court Musician under Saul. Here are some thoughts on the best- known one, Psalm 23.

First, David had a personal relationship with the Lord. ‘The Lord is MY Shepherd I shall not want for anything.’ The word ‘my’ speaks of a personal relationship between ourselves and someone or something else – my wife, my husband, my school my car, my bank and so on. Agnostics and atheists deny that we can know God. I was one of them until March 1954 when Dr Billy Graham came to London. Then life changed and I’ve never looked back. That moment I joined the Christian family, was totally forgiven, received the Holy Spirit and knew the assurance of eternal life there and then. This is for you too if you stop trying to run your own life. Let God take over. He can deal with your life better than you can.

Secondly, David was no fair-weather believer. ‘Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I won’t be afraid for YOU are with me’. The core of David’s faith didn’t fluctuate by moods and circumstances though they were constantly shifting. It was strong and settled despite his many set-backs. Family bereavements were faith-testing, as they can be for us. Is Jesus our rock and anchor? Forget the sinking sands, the foundation of a true faith is solid. It’s Jesus.

Thirdly, David’s destiny was settled. ‘I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.’ As the hymn writer says ‘Green pastures are before me which yet I have not seen. Bright skies will soon be o’er me where the dark clouds have been. My hope I cannot measure, My path to life is free. My saviour has my treasure and He will walk with me.’ CS Lewis said ‘This life is the title and cover page. When we get to heaven we begin chapter one of a story that goes on and on, and in which each chapter is better than the one before!’.
My journey to faith, in more detail, is in a small booklet available from me on request.

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