This year we will be dedicating the month of May to a number of specific equipping tracks. However, whilst seeking to be equipped ourselves we don’t want to lose sight of those far less fortunate than ourselves. Consequently from the 10th-16th May we will be encouraging one another to remember the poor in our daily lives. One of the ways we will be doing this is by engaging fully in Christian Aid week as a local church and as a Community Centre. Last year we collected from 10 roads and raised £320 for Christian Aid. We would love to go far beyond that figure this year. To help as a leadership team we are suggesting the following:
- We will have Christian Aid promotional material around the Centre for the whole of that week
- We will ask all hirers if they can have Christian Aid envelopes in their meetings that week
- All centre users will be able to drop in their envelopes to the centre through the week if they are not covered by a street collection
- We are encouraging as many of us as possible to deliver and collect Christian Aid envelopes in their own street
This final initiative is where many of us could get directly involved. Over the last three years I have delivered and collected in my own street and it has been a fantastic way of getting to know neighbours. Julia Peaty, who coordinates Christian Aid collections across the whole town is happy to work around the streets that we volunteer for, however, we need to let her know which streets we are covering as soon as possible.
Can I invite you personally to join me in this initiative and raise money for a fantastic Christian Charity working across the globe to combat poverty and injustice.
Please email me at with your name and the street where you are happy to deliver and collect.