As I write this, I’m gazing at my Roman soldier outfit which, I have to confess, I’m really rather pleased with. I’ve never played a soldier before, but have loved being coached on the finer points of marching and saluting, by former squaddie and fellow dramatic soldier, Thomas Lloyd-Edwards. I hope you will agree when you watch ‘Angel’, we are a rather dashing pair!
There are many massive positives about being in a dramatic production, but learning lines is certainly not one of them! We have been rehearsing since early September and, although not word perfect, I am so pleased to report that we are now totally script less, and next week, we are going to try our first complete run through from start to finish. With only a couple of weeks to go, things are really taking shape with props being made (Jonathan Knight you are a star), tech planned and sweated over (Stu & Steve, Legends), Music sorted (What would we do without you Tobes?), Costumes made (Faith Williams has never made a camel before – funnily enough), Gwen and Katie are just everywhere, cast is heavenly – What a team, and what a privilege it is to be a part of.
Please pray with us that many people come to these two performances who would never normally ‘come to church’ and that God would stir something in them. Please also pray for the cast and support team, for calm and good health over these next couple of weeks and that all who come and watch will be blessed.
Please remember to book your free tickets and why not invite your friend or neighbour – it’s surely worth it just to see Desmond the camel sing again!
Matt Marriott