Inspired by Nathan Forster’s take on the discipline of simplicity, I decided to go “off grid” for Lent. I set about letting my nearest and dearest know that I would be unavailable except for emergencies via our landline and then switched off: no Whats App, no email, no internet, no mobile – the result surprised me ….
At the end of Day 1, a small cloud of ‘aloneness’ settled. I’d had no cute photos of the grandkids, no offers of a bike ride, and no dodgy jokes from mates. I sat on the bed while the enormity of my ‘fast’ washed over me. Then came a settling, a rest in what some call the divine centre – a place where my prayers are offered and contentment comes; wow! The Holy Spirit spoke: “Never will I leave you or forsake you,” comfort.
Over a week later, I read more, filling my mind with scripture. I pray more, too! The ‘finger twitch’ of wanting to stroke my phone, or surf eBay for my next hit, has diminished.
In a world where we are online 24×7, I am currently switched off and handwriting this blog.
I dare you to try simplicity, if only for a few days; you might find God has been waiting patiently behind the screens all along.