While reading the other day, this verse shot out at me, ‘…..do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day.’2 Cor. 4:16.
As a person who has reached the grand age of 77 (with the attendant health issues) I found these words extremely encouraging. As we get older we notice our bodies deteriorating but alongside that, as a child of God, we can experience daily renewal! We must live one day at a time for God provides for us on a ‘day to day’ basis. We cannot store up God’s grace for a rainy day!
He gives the strength and grace we need to turn suffering into glory as we need it and we can experience his compassion and mercy. 1 Pet. 5:10 tells us that he will make us strong, firm and steadfast. We may be shaken but not shattered and able to quickly return to inner peace. So when the going gets tough, let’s remember God is working in us and will enable us to maintain joy and strength.
As we travel this end of the road, may we encourage one another and know God’s grace daily and be glorifying to him.
Ruth Wheble