Thank you Jubilee for the 40 day devotional blogs. They have been excellent.
I have absolutely loved reading each blog of the 40 day series. They have been directional, touching, honest and motivating not only for the writers, but to me as a friend and reader. We are all so different, unique and learn in so many different ways. I am so glad that Jubilee was inspired to organise the series.
Personally, I decided to listen to audio Bible readings whilst doing tasks in the kitchen, rather than “my go to” favourite listening of BBC Radio 4 programmes. It does mean that I have to concentrate, as annoyingly, I can unintentionally miss out huge chunks of a chapter, when I get distracted. Fortunately, technology is with me, and I can listen to it over again, but hopefully with my ears more attuned!
My audible studies have so far included 1 & 2 Kings. I really do see that for me, “audio” has been a great aid, and is likely to become more a part of normality in the future!
Esme Amey