Last year’s 40 days of devotion was inspirational to me. I’ve always struggled with the idea of giving something up in the hope to create more space for Jesus. Focusing on positive actions that help me in my walk seems a much more obvious way of growing in God… and doesn’t it just work! Last year’s ‘Devotions’ are a mixture of still going strong (Praise God!), such as more often praying together with Claire … and some opportunities to reconnect again.


My positive action for this year is to do more project-based Bible study. Whilst I’ve done Bible in a Year more than once (well ok, never in a year!), with a busy job, and just life in general, I find I don’t have time to get deeper into the Word. So now I pray, I find a topic, and I explore God’s word over a few days or weeks with different resources -a study bible, on-line blogs, podcasts, and further reading -such as the excellent Phil Moore series, all around a specific topic. Matthew fitted in well with January’s Academy; Haggai inspired by Simon’s word; Daniel is coming to life through the current study group, to name a few. So I started early, and am inspired to keep going! That is what Acts 2:42 being Devoted is all about!

Ian Watt