16 December 

Elijah: 1 Kings 18 

Here we see God performing a remarkable miracle through the prophet Elijah. He was the only one of the Lord’s prophets left and the situation was desperate. Elijah called upon all Israel to make a decision – ‘How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal is God, follow him.’ 

There have been times when I have chosen to sit on the fence over certain issues and I knew that at some point I would have to make a decision. Sometimes we think it’s easier to sit on the fence but in fact it takes more effort to keep balancing. We can be so easily distracted by what the world says and forget what God has done for us, just like the Israelites here. I made a decision to jump into going to Academy even though I knew I would be challenged on certain issues. As a result, I had to make some tough choices, but the blessings and peace that came from that, far outweighed the struggle of balancing on that fence. 


Elijah had to call down the fire of God to remind them of who their God was. He did this with a quiet confidence because he knew that he was calling on the living God. We can have that confidence too – Elijah was no different from us, he was just a human being (James 5 v 17). It was because of his relationship with God and how he had learned to listen to His voice (Elijah had just spent 3 years in the wilderness). It takes time and practice to listen to God.  You can only listen to God’s leading if you spend time with Him, searching through the Bible for promises that He will hear and answer your prayers. Elijah was persistent- seven times he sent his servant to look for a cloud while he prayed. What would have happened if he had given up on the 6th time? God constantly reminded me to persist in prayer for our daughter’s healing even though so often, I just felt like giving up. 6 years we prayed, standing on God’s word, and then God brought healing. Hallelujah! 


Because of Elijah’s faith and trust in God, he was able to bring the nation of Israel back to an awareness of God.  




Father God, I thank you that we can have confidence in you, our living God. I thank you that every time we call upon your Holy Spirit, we are calling down the same Holy Spirit fire that appeared here and at Pentecost. Let us be a people who stand on your word and take hold of your promises that are yes and amen in Jesus. Amen 


Marion Baker 

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