
January 24, 2016

Bible Text: Mark1:21-39 | ,


Key Scriptures: Mark 1: 21 – 39, Ephesians 2:6, Mark 16:17-18, Genesis 1:1-3, John 1:1-3, Hebrews 1:2-3, Colossians 1:16, Ephesians 1:21-23, Matthew 28:18-20


  • Jesus' authority and teaching are at another level, receive it afresh?
  • Recognise who is in the room, don't just practise Christianity in a detached way, Ask the plumber..!
  • It's the same bloke!
  • This kind of relationship with Jesus isn't accidental it's invitational. Ask him.
  • The game changer in Capernaum was when the authority of Jesus was acknowledged
  • When His authority was acknowledged their faith in Him rose and the kingdom of heaven came like never before. (Mark 1:32,33 That evening at sunset they brought to him all who were sick - the whole city gathered at the door!)
  • Your faith, your biblical expectation, what you dare to see or pray for, will rise or fall depending on your understanding and revelation of the authority of Jesus.
  • You are seated in Him, He walks by your side and commissions you to heal and bring the kingdom of heaven to earth in His name!


Application points:

  1. How do I see Jesus' authority? How should I?
  2. Do I believe that I stand and walk in His authority? How should I?
  3. How does that shape my faith and my biblical expectations of what I will see when I pray?
  4. Build faith by sharing stories of healing then pray for the sick/afflicted believing it's Jesus' authority we rely on not ours.

Sermon Topics: