Mark 12:41-44 and Mark 14:1-11

April 15, 2018

Bible Text: Mark 12:41-44 and Mark 14:1-11 |


Key Texts: Mark 12:41-44. 14:1-11, Matt 26:7ff, Luke 7:37ff, Luke 21:1-4, 1 Tim 6:10, Matt 6:24, Isaiah 58

Key Points and Discussion Questions

• Jesus was not afraid to talk about money
o Remember Jesus is always challenging because what is on offer in him is always better that what is on offer without him
o Stronghold – the place we run to when we are vulnerable
o Where do I run to when I am in need?

• Biblical economics will at times challenge common sense – but this should always be a personal faith decision
• Key question: When did a biblical passage last challenge me on how I handled my money and resource?
• You will always have the poor with you!
• How can we help the poor?
o Do what you can
o Examine our own lifestyles
o Give to the poor personally and through JCC jubilee initiatives
o Preach the gospel
o Start a gift account/envelope/jar
o You can’t change everything but you can change something

Key Question: Whom do I allow to speak into my finances?

Sermon Topics: