We serve because we want to come alongside every child regardless of their needs.  Here at JCC we have people God has gifted to work with children who struggle with church, socialising, mental health, autism. However unless people sign up to help out at Sparklers, Blaze and Glo these people aren’t free to use Gods gifts.

We have a young child with autism who has severe separation anxiety and his parents can not ever leave him, that means no church for the parents no time to worship God or listen to the gospel, things we all take for granted. However our church has come alongside him and once a month someone he has built a relationship with and has experience, plays with him and supports him so his parents can come into the service and soak up God’s word without any distractions. We want to offer his parents this on a regular basis, which can only happen if other church members are able to sign up to help in the kids groups, we can’t free up other kid workers who are skilled in this area of additional needs and able to come alongside this child.

This is just one example of support, we have many more and we would like to increase our support that’s why we need you.

We appreciate its hard, the parent who supports this young lad struggles to get to church themselves as the family have plenty of kids many of whom have different additional needs. But they want to support and bless other families, even if it’s just once a month for one service. So please look to God and pray. Ask him to help you come and serve in our family so we can all bless each other. We are all busy and those of us with kids all need an occasional break from them and if we can support each other we might just find that it is actually good fun and a great way to get to know others in our church.