We are excited to announce that we have officially changed our name to Jubilee Community Church. After some research and a series of listening exercises to improve our publicity JCC (formerly New Life Church) has decided to change its name. Here are a few key reasons why:

Awareness & Publicity

Our research showed us that not everyone in our local area knew who we were or where we were. Whether it is through the reputation of the church or in our publicity and branding, we want to actively make every effort to improve our marketing.

Jubilee Community Centre

We found that the majority of people in our local community have heard of the Jubilee Community Centre, but were not aware that the church ran the centre. We have decided to link the two names together making it easier for those who use the centre to make that link.

Jubilee Principle

When you think about the word Jubilee, you might imagine a party or a celebration for a monarch. In the Bible Jubilee, which is an old testament principle instructs a year of release. The law instructed God’s people to practise a Sabbath year when all debts would be released and slaves would be set free. God is a God of justice and love. We want both the centre and our church to practically display God’s heart for the poor and needy in our world. The vision of our church is to be ‘more like Jesus’. One of the things Jesus was famous for was caring for the poor and setting people free.

Please help us communicate the message of Jesus Love through as we raise awareness of who we are and where we are.

For a more detailed explanation of our name please listen to Simon’s recent sermon “Jubilee” 05/01/14 www.jcceg.co.uk/sermons/simon-elliott-05012014