Community matters. God exists in community – Father Son and Holy Spirit. God created out of community, the Father spoke (Gen 1), the Spirit hovered (Gen 1), and nothing was made without the Son (John 1). God created humanity to reflect the image of the Trinity – “Let us make mankind in our image….male and female he created them”
Here at Jubilee we want to reflect God’s heart for community in all that we do. Studies on healthy churches have revealed that people connect with churches most effectively, not because of great preaching or great worship, but because of great friendships. Community groups are a key part in building community here at Jubilee. In a growing church it is impossible for anyone to know everyone, but it is vital that everyone knows and is known by someone.
Small community group settings are also a great way to fulfil one of the primary calls of the local church – to equip the saints (Eph 4). This term we are looking to equip one another as we grow in God as community. The groups we will be running next term aim to help us be equipped physically, spiritually, relationally or in a practical area of life in the 21st century. It is our hope that there is something for everyone and an opportunity for all of us to grow together in God.
Below is a list of all of the groups which will be running next term:
- Marriage Course,
- CAP Money Course,
- Parenting Course,
- Foundations Course,
- Freedom in Jesus Course,
- Workplace Course,
- ‘The Mind Connection’ Course,
- Worship Band Course,
- Leadership Training Course,
- Craft Club,
- Photography Club,
- Couch to 5K – Beginners,
- Couch to 5k+, Intermediate,
- National Trust Visiting Group,
- Christian Book Club,
- Short Mat Bowls,
- Oasis Daytime Community Group,
- Dave & Sue Berkshire and Stuart & Chris Maclean Community Group,
- Dan & Hannah Baptist Community Group,
- Pete & Sharon Hill and Jonathan and Helen Knight Community Group,
- Ed & Abi Currer,
- Claire Beattie Daytime Community Group,
- Malcolm & Jill Jackson Daytime Community Group,
- Bill and Judith Benton Daytime Community Group.
Booklet available for download here