On the back of Dan Baptist’s preach on communion and how it brings revelation, it became very clear to us that now was the time to lead an equipping track on prayer in the midst of all the other stuff we are doing.

For several years, it has been our desire to lead such an equipping track but with the busyness of life it looked impossible, more so since we were already committed to leading another equipping track this term. Well, we chatted between us and came to an agreement and we emailed Dan to commit and the rest will be history.

Prayer is the bedrock of every other thing that we do and we would have to pray anyway. The joy of leading the track on prayer is that we can grow together in it, get encouragement and momentum to pray even more with other desperate folks and see God move. We are expecting big answers to prayers than we have ever seen before. Exciting!

I don’t know about you but I find that my prayer list is ever growing, the more answers to prayer I receive, the more I long to pray.

Friends, we awaken from our slumber and sleepwalking when we arise and pray and call out to Jesus in desperation.

Prayer is what connects our hearts to the mind of God through the power of His Holy Spirit and we are fully convinced that there is so much on God’s heart for us that we have not tapped into yet.

We believe that heaven has all the resources and much more that we would ever need in this life and God desperately wants to bless us but why is it that so many times we seem to pray without results?
There are so many scriptures that promise us answers to our prayer;
Mathew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you, knock and you will find and seek and the door will be opened.
Luke 8 tells us that God is a good father and he will freely give the Holy Spirit (in whom all things are consisted) to those who ask.
John 16: 24-25, until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive that your joy will be complete. What a blank cheque!

Surely there must be more that we could get from our lavish Heavenly Father when we are desperate for change in our lives and our community! We want to partake of the glorious riches of Father God. This equipping track is all about this.

1. If you are dissatisfied with where you are right now, you have a situation in your life that you know if God does not move you’re finished and you are willing to trust God and explore the resources of heaven,
2. If you would like to see revival come to our town,
3. You want to grow in your prayer life: then this track is for you.

We will together take God at His word and see Him in action. This is really exciting.

May God open the heavens and pour down his blessings on you, on me, on us and our town as we seek him.

Sam & Grace Orkar