Why I love Prayer and Fasting
One of the privileges of being part of New Ground is the opportunities it presents to join with other leaders to seek God. Twice a year we meet together in Sidcup for prayer, worship and mutual equipping. Men and women from around the UK and mainland Europe commit themselves to two days where they lay down the hustle and bustle of church leadership and wait on God. Why do we do it? Why is it key for us as a sphere of churches?
It connects us as generations
This is not a senior pastors event, it is open to all those involved in leadership across our churches. To see leaders in their 5th decade of leadership praying with 18 year olds who have given a year to God on Impact is a joy to behold. It reminds us that we are not called to impact one generation, but rather we are called to reach every generation with the gospel. It is a beautiful expression of who we are as local churches.
It connects us as nations
This week I prayed with leaders from England, Scotland, Holland, France, Romania, Albania, Italy, Belgium and France. I prayed for their churches and they prayed for ours. I prayed for church plants, established churches, new leaders, young people’s work, worship teams and ministries to the poor. I love leading local church but if we are not careful the local becomes all consuming. Standing with the nations of Europe lifts my head and my heart to the bigger picture. It reminds me that our vision is for our neighbourhood, but it is also for our nation and the nations.
It connects us with God and the Gospel
There is much about Church leadership that is like any other leadership role; strategy, team building, preparation and planning. All these things are important and we seek to do them to the glory of God. However, it is great to have two days where we are reminded that we are not building an organisation. We are seeking God’s Kingdom. Our strength is renewed when we wait on God, our vision becomes clearer when we lift our heads and gaze at Jesus in all his ascended power and glory, and our calling is clarified when we hear again the importance of declaring the gospel. It really is all about Jesus.
Simon Elliott