Trinity Methodist Church have started an initiative called Love E.G. The idea behind it is to enable churches in East Grinstead to bring the gospel in an easy and accessible way, by doing loving deeds for the people in East Grinstead. Since it started not long ago it has seen very positive feedback from the local community and the Town Council.
Below is some information provided by Trinity regarding how they’re getting on:
Trinity have seen the first of the Acts of Random Kindness (ARK) weeks take place. These ARK weeks begin on the third Sunday of the month and last for…you guessed it…a week! The challenge for ALL of us is to do an act of random kindness that week and give the person we do it to a Love E.G. card (also available in the JCC foyer or from the Connect Point on a Sunday morning). The card has a simple facebook address, which will take the person to a facebook page explaining more about Love E.G.
The Sunday straight after ARK week is a great opportunity to share your experiences of ARK week. It has been commented that this seems to go against what is written in Matthew 6v1 about not practicing our righteous acts in front of others to be seen by them. However, the purpose of sharing the events of ARK week is not to celebrate the doer of the act but the enabler, namely God. By sharing what was done, it gives glory to God. It also has the benefits of challenging us all to be looking for opportunities to do these acts and giving us ideas of things we could do next ARK week. If you’re willing to share a testimony about you’re experiences during ARK week please make a note of your story to the JCC Love E.G. book. You may need to ask the Connect team on a Sunday morning for the book.
Some have commented that they already do ARKs, which is brilliant. Love E.G. is not here to stop you doing loving things or to restrict you to doing them only during ARK week, but to help fine-tune our senses in spotting ways to love others. The reason and importance of giving a card out during ARK week means it raises the profile of WHY we do these acts of love. We do it because God first loved us and we are called to show that love. We do this because we want God to get the glory and no one else. Only Jesus has the words of eternal life and unless we reveal the good news, even through a simple Love E.G. card, then how else will they know?
“But how can people call for help if they don’t know who to trust? And how can they know who to trust if they haven’t heard of the One who can be trusted? And how can they hear if nobody tells them? And how is anyone going to tell them, unless someone is sent to do it?” Romans 10 v14-15.
Is the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for each one of us real enough to cause us to step our of our comfort zones and show His love to someone else?
Love E.G. Team