Creativity is the ability to create something new and valuable. Having been made in the image and likeness of God, creativity is a God given gift that is in each of us. We were made and designed with incredible detail and love. Whether it is an idea, a joke, an artistic or literary work, a painting or musical composition, a solution, an invention, God has also given each of us the ability to create. If you are a writer, artist, composer, graphic designer, videographer, photographer etc, we would love to see you grow in your creative gifts!
Jubilee Community Church has recently undergone a rebrand, with a new name, logo, publicity and website. We have spent time forming a new vision and strategy for the way we communicate both internally and externally at JCC. We have an incredible team of volunteers who serve within some of our existing channels of communication, but we are always looking to grow and release more creativity. We would love to grow in our communications and creativity at JCC.
So, if you serve on communications team or you’re a creative who would like to give your talents & abilities please come and hear our vision & how you can get involved, on Sunday 6th July, 6pm at Jubilee Community Centre. This will be a great time together presenting our vision and strategy, honouring some existing and old team members, exploring more creativity together and enjoying a light tea.
Communications Team Meet from Jubilee Community Church on Vimeo.