From the 9th-17-th June Dan and myself travelled to Istanbul on a mission’s trip with 5 other Impacters. Our mission began on the Friday when we travelled to Yalova by Ferry. We arrived at the camp around lunch time and ate with all the families. The camp reminded me of Ashburnham, a family event where both parents and children could be blessed. The kid’s work that we were heading up was based outside, besides the craft that took place in a little den. The weekend went so well and we were so pleased. Each of us formed bonds with the children and the children formed bonds with each other, despite language barriers. It was good to see the children’s genuine love for God and knowledge of him in their lives. We had the opportunity to pray for the children while they listened to worship music; lots of the children felt God’s peace. There were loads of fun activities and games! We were generally encouraged that the children had a good time and the parents were blessed by the children having a good time, particularly a mum who hadn’t been in worship with her husband for a long time. It’s fair to say that there were challenges (language barriers, not knowing the kids, stray dogs, no light, the heat, the long sessions, tiredness!!), but we overcame so many, and the children were blessed as well as the families.
After that, we stayed in Yalova for an additional two nights with a lovely man called Dr Burt. One of the highlights from this section of the trip was hearing from the refugees. Their testimonies were eye opening, heart-breaking and just so inspirational.
The last two days were spent back in Istanbul, exploring, hearing testimonies and spending time as a team praying and prophesying over one another. On the last day we had a tourist day where we headed into central Istanbul to browse the markets, visit the Blue mosque and the Hagia Sophia which was beautiful.
We travelled home on Friday and landed safely in the evening. It was a week full of memories that I hope to hold on to. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us before and while we were away.
Georgia Jones