At JCC we organise our community groups into Clusters. Our clusters function to bring pastoral support to our community groups. During February we will be hosting our monthly JCC midweek prayer meetings within our clusters. If you are not sure what cluster you are in then ask your community group leaders! Our clusters will be hosting prayer meetings as follows:
- Daytime Groups Bill & Judith Benton – Tuesday 9th February, 10:30am at JCC, in the café space
- Dan & Hannah Baptist cluster – Wednesday 17th Feb, 7.30pm at East Grinstead Scout Hut, Moat Road (just off the main Moat Road)
- Laurence & Rochelle Evans cluster – Wednesday 17th Feb, 8pm at Evans house (42 Hurst Farm Rd, East Grinstead)
- Dave & Ann Rowsell cluster – Wednesday 17th Feb, 8pm at Vinyl Impression HQ (Olympic House, Birches Industrial Estate, Imberhorne Lane, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1X)
- Sam & Grace Kusu-Orkar cluster – Wednesday 24th Feb, 8pm at JCC, in the Avon Room
If you are not in a community group or cluster you are still very welcome to join us at one of our five prayer meetings, feel free just to turn up.