Day 40 of 40 days of devotion
This is our last blog in the 40 days of devotion blog series! Written by Jane Procter
Well… here I am, 40 days on, at the end of our time and looking back. So how did I do?!
I managed to stay off Facebook completely, but my plan to structure my prayer time over the week wasn’t quite so successful! However, it did focus me on thinking about my heavenly father’s total devotion for me and how I could be more devoted to him. I am very fortunate to now be in the position where I can spend most mornings (bar when I am on granddaughter duty!) having a quiet time. It was during this time a couple of weeks ago, that I happened upon a song called ‘Reckless love’, by an artist called Cory Asbury. You know when a song touches you so powerfully, you can’t stop listening to it? Well this was it, reminding me of God’s amazing love! His unconditional, never ending love. Nothing stops it, hides it, corrupts it or changes it. It is total. His devotion to me is complete for every…..single…..moment of my life, day in and day out, through the watches of the night whether I’m asleep or awake. It is not dependent on how I feel – but stubbornly stays, whether I’m walking close or stomping away, feeling miserable or high as a kite! I am chosen. I am His. How I want to know Him more deeply, more intimately. I want, as in the words of another Cory Asbury song, for him to be my first thought in the morning and last thought at night (Psalm 42 v 8: By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me – a prayer to the God of my life). These 40 days have come to an end, but the time ahead is my journey – a work in progress, knowing and confident that ‘He who began a good work in (me) will carry it on to completion….’ Philippians 1 v 6.
Here are the links to both songs: Reckless love Endless alleluias