Day 18 of 40 days of devotion

Written by Lesley Cowley

Hopelessly devoted to you…..
Oh yes, that famous song from Grease is going through my head, with Olivia Newton John belting out “hopelessly devoted to you”!!! It’s probably only me that gets these delightful light and fluffy thoughts – emoji of a smiley face please!

I began this series by deciding to get outdoors to pray more, as I enjoy praying while walking. I also decided not to turn the TV on until after reading the Bible and praying. Confession time – I don’t really enjoy walking in the snow as I can’t think about praying about anything apart from ‘Oh God don’t let me fall’ however I have been praying more. I’m reading Acts and love how the early church were devoted to the Word, being filled with the Spirit and taking the gospel wherever they were scattered. I’m challenged by their boldness as I read of persecution and how Stephen was martyred. Fear did not stop them sharing the gospel, the enormity of what Christ had done so gripped their hearts that they were compelled to share the love of God with people they met, healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the dead. So I’m praying for an encounter with God that compels me to reach out to those around me with greater love and compassion. A song that has become a prayer for me is ‘For The One’ by Jenn Johnson:

Let me be filled
With kindness and compassion for the one
The one for whom You loved and gave Your Son
For humanity increase my love

Help me to love with open arms like You do
A love that erases all the lines and sees the truth
Oh that when they look in my eyes they would see You
Even in just a smile they would feel the Father’s love

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