My 6 months in England.

Hello my name’s Cephas Ruff. I’m from France, more exactly, Normandie in Le Havre.

I grew up in a Christian family, but that’s not why became a Christian. In 2005 during in strong moment in my life, the lord made known to me his immense love. Since that day, I let myself be shaped by the great potter. Again today I allow this love to drive me.

In France, I take care of the youth of the Church. The name of the youth group is “Spaciba” and the it’s for 15-25 year olds. For some years, I have lead with others from different churches (that aren’t a part of New Ground) to gather the youth of Normandy for a conference where they can express their love, to our loving father. Many young people share this passion and the name of this conference is *Coramdeo (*in front of God’s face).

I like young people, and their passion, but lately I feel a growing love in me not only for the youth, but for every person young or old. I want to share this grace that was freely given to me. My heavenly Father gave his beloved son for me. Christ Jesus was then raised and he intercedes for me – I often think of these verses.

There are 168,316 people living in Le Havre, and in the church’s district there are 11,690 people living there. If we the church pray for 10% of this then that makes 1169 new workers for the month.

Mathew 9:37 – “Then he said to his disciples, the harvest is truly plentiful but the labourers are few. Pray therefore to the Lord of the harvest, that he send forth labourers into his harvest.”

When Johnathan LeTocq and others told me about this year of training, I realized that I was not ready yet, and that I needed solid food for this future season. So I handed in my resignation, I worked in the area of clogging nuclear leakage in Le Havre, and started this year of training.

What I hope for in these 6 months at East Grinstead:

  1. To perfect myself in the love of the Father by watching you live in grace.
  2. See how a team of elders work together without competition.
  3. Learn to communicate this grace to those around me.
  4. See the gifts of the Spirit at work in the church.

From France in Faith.
