CHURCHES TOGETHER in East Grinstead | 2014
Who is it for
Anyone wishing to learn how to plan a budget and manage it effectively; it will help you if you have to manage a household/living budget whether you have lots of experience or none at all. The course can be custom designed for community groups such as churches, schools and societies.
What does it cover
The CAP Money Course is a DVD based course that will teach you:
- How to build a budget. This is the cornerstone of managing your money well. The session includes advice on how to optimise your finances.
- The CAP Money system. This system will help to simplify your money and make it understandable. It operates using three accounts – regular payments, cash account and savings – for your money:
- To use cash instead of cards. Living on cash and getting away from cards helps you to spend less money by knowing exactly where you are.
Doing the CAP Money Course means you will be able to budget, save and spend on the things you want. After watching the DVDs, trained CAP Money Coaches will be available to help you build your budget and answer any questions. A unique benefit of the CAP Money Course is that, if you discover that you can’t balance your budget and pay off any debts, you will be able to access CAP Money Plus – an internet based debt counselling service from Christians Against Poverty.
What to expect
The CAP Money Course is run in many locations throughout the UK by churches that partner with Christians Against Poverty. The course you sign up for will usually run over three evenings in consecutive weeks, but some are run during the day. Some courses are run in a church and others in cafes or community centres; the number of people attending can range from two to 20.
Where to learn more
For general information, please see The CAP Money course is run locally by a team of volunteer trained coaches who are members of churches with affiliation to Churches Together in East Grinstead. For local information about courses, please contact Ian King (Jubilee Community Church) – or 01342 458633.
CHURCHES TOGETHER in East Grinstead 2014