As a church we store a secure 0-18s database which contains information such as names, contact details, emergency contacts, consent and medical information for all our youth and kids work. The database enables us to provide a smooth transition of relevant data from one ministry to the next, make corresponding with programmes and upcoming events easier, reduce the need for multiple consent forms and keep all records together in one place making them easy to access in an emergency.

Therefore we ask that all parents accessing our 0-18s ministries on more than 3 occasions per term complete a [MembershipForm]. We will send out new forms each year to remind you to update information but should any details change please let our 0-18s Coordinator, Kat, know (

For offsite events (or specials) we still need to be aware that parents know that their children are attending events therefore we ask that they sign a very simple slip for each event (containing only the date and a permission signature).

If you are a guest accessing our:

  • 0-5s and Blaze ministries on a Sunday morning – you will be asked to complete a Guest book as you arrive.
  • Blaze Fundays – you will be provided with a consent form.
  • Glo events (Encounter or Ignite) – then please complete and bring along this [0-18Guest form].

We hope you understand the need for this information and trust that it is in safe hands. We will not share it with anyone other than the Ministry Leaders and team involved in your child’s care (when needed).