Thank you to each one of you and the leadership for all your love, encouragement and prayers as I prepare to return to the Global Mercy Ship in August.

I plan to send regular updates and I am very grateful to the Lord for the partnership in the gospel that we can share together. What a blessing to be in the JCC Family!

I will join the Ship in Tenerife for some team training before we set sail for Freetown Sierra Leone mid-August. The field service will start in September with the first block of surgeries being plastic surgery.

I am going out as Rehab Team Lead. This will consist of leading the team in daily devotions, being that point of access, information disseminating, equipment restocking as well as liaising with other team leads within the hospital.


I am awaiting more details, but I know I will have at least 3 hand therapists’ and 10 physios’ arriving over the course of the 10 month field service and staying for different lengths of time. Please pray that as the team comes together that we would gel well. Also pray that God will equip me to serve Him well in being a sensitive, discerning, and loving leader within this team.


I am very excited at joining the ship again and although there are those occasional moments where I think what am I doing? I am encouraged that my faith rests in Gods power and He will equip me; for my help comes from the Lord the Maker of Heaven and Earth which fills me with a peace in knowing this is where the Lord is leading me.


For those of you personally that feel you would like to support me then please donate by following this link and fill out the form specifying thatThis donation is to support a crew member’ and don’t forget to specify my name Becky Chaplin. If anyone wants to be in my prayer group send me a message on 07305945896 and I shall add you to my current Whatsapp group.


Sending gratitude and my warmest greetings.

