Let’s start from rock bottom…I am the 0-18’s Pastor; a professional! But I have never made a consistent effort to get me and Lizzy to pray and read the bible together. Appalling, hey, but that is the truth. Any previous attempts over the past 7 years have resulted in the world’s most awkward small group of 2!
So for these 40 days Lizzy has made a prayer jar with 10 things written on post it notes that we want to pray about; from health to people to provision, and we are going through them every day as a family at a meal time. Then once the boys are in bed Lizzy gets to sit back while I read a chapter of the New Testament a day to her. There are 41 chapters from Galatians to Titus so I cheated and started a day early on Monday!
Awkward? A bit. Does it feel a bit forced? Yes. But this will be the fifth day in a row that we have prayed and intentionally given the bible room in our marriage…and it is so much better than giving up chocolate!
Matt Hoyes