Have you, like us, got into a settled routine for your daily ‘quiet time’ devotions? First thing to admit, being retired does allow more space! For Pat and me, morning sees us turning to the daily Bible reading notes published by CWR as ‘Every Day With Jesus’ (Author – Selwyn Hughes). Then we pray together – and this is where we felt challenged by the call to 40 days of devotion.
Is it enough to present the Lord with a list of the day’s requests? These will include much of what we are encouraged to pray for – healings and salvation, friends, family, the wider community – so many excellent Christian causes. Day by day, certain specific issues are laid on our hearts, but are we just adding an ‘Amen’ to our list, then getting on with our day?
The love that was poured out at Calvary demands more than that. Our love, worship and thanksgiving should come first. Loving relationship, where each in turn speaks -and LISTENS! So for our 40 days we are opening our quiet time prayers by together offering Him our loving worship, then waiting silently for anything He may want us to hear.
Just now it’s early days, but we’re not planning to stop at 40.
Rod and Pat Standing