Author – Anonymous from JCC

The storm it passed

The clouds dispersed

I saw you standing there by the Bush

I wept and cried as you took my hand

I wanted to know more of your plan

We walked and talked for ages it seemed

You guided me by the glistening stream

I listened to your whispered words

Confused about my little world

You showed me pictures, you showed me peace

My mind you filled with technicolour dreams

The brightness of your grace abound

My gifts you raised up from the ground

As we reached the journey’s end

You turned to me and you said

You are mine forever and always

Follow me close and you’ll see the way

Your journey has only just begun

We have many adventures to come

I am always by your side

Don’t let those worries take control

Trust in me and you will be whole

You gathered me close just one more time

Before you turned to walk to the other side

Finally, you looked back at me, your gentle smile showed your love for me

Then you were gone and things felt changed

The touch of your grace picked me up again

I turned and walked along the stream

The path you set me on fresh and clean

The journey that sees me, a follower of Christ

Walking in faith, spreading the Word with love and grace.