God has made us for relationship and to be in community. Our culture and society promotes individualism, but our 3 in 1 God displays His passion for community within the trinity. The evidence that we are dependent on each other in life is clearly seen when we are born and in our old age. We might regularly upset each other and need to practice grace and forgiveness, but our need for friendship, community and fellowship is clear.
At Jubilee Community Church we want to make it as easy as possible for people to get into community life. At JCC we encourage people who want to grow to attend our Sunday mornings and then to join a community group. Our aim is to help every member of JCC join a community group where they can be in fellowship and grow in their relationship with God.
To facilitate this aim we host a 6 week Community Group Vision Track, starting this term on Wednesday 1st October. The idea of the track is to give everyone a clear understanding for what it means to be in a Community Group and Cluster here at JCC. We will look together at expectations and key ingredients for groups, and then launch new groups and a new cluster in November. Whether you are new to the church, haven’t yet found a community group or you are part of a refresher group, let me encourage you to attend this helpful community group vision track.
For more information and to confirm you are attending please email pete@jcceg.co.uk