Oasis. It lives up to its name; a place of refreshment in God, a time to reflect and to dip our spiritual toes in God’s holy water, reviving us and sustaining us for the journey.
We give thanks that we have seen God continue to bless so many ladies over the past few months. Worship has been free; ladies have been lost in the wonder of God, singing and dancing before the Lord and free to just be. Oasis is a safe place for women to explore what God is speaking into their lives.
Our weekly talks have been Christ led and/or based on the previous Sunday morning’s word.
Some feedback:
“The topic resonated so loudly…. painful, but am so grateful that Oasis is such a safe place with such wonderful Godly women. Thank you God.”
“Thanks so much for this morning!! I loved that you linked freedom with forgiveness. We had wonderful chats at the table afterwards too. Thanks again.”
“What would my life have been like without the support of faithful ladies over the years? I am so thankful to have been in this lady’s group that has prayed for, and encouraged each other, and me, and for all that I have learned.”
And we prayed. Sam, who visited for a few Sunday morning services, was involved in a serious car accident resulting in injuries including a severely fractured leg. Oasis ladies served the family with meals and after praying for healing, God has restored Sam’s leg to full function so that she could return to work within a few months – after she had been told that she would have difficulty walking again. God is good. Sam is blessed.
One week we had a ‘blessing week’ where ladies were free to bless each other in whichever way God led. This has led to many of the ladies continuing to bless one another. A number of babies were born into the church family and the families were served with meals for a couple of weeks. We welcome ladies from other churches in the town who are blessed by the friendship and fellowship.
Ladies, are you in need of a mid-week spiritual refreshing? Oasis is the place to be on Thursday mornings during term time at Jubilee Community Centre, beginning 4 September 2014 at 10am. For more details please call the church office on 01342 328334.
Janine Boutelje