10 December

 Passover: Exodus 12 

 The Passover is probably the most famous Jewish festival. So much so that God commanded Moses to change the year so this marks the beginning of the festival year for Jews. 

As well as instructions about the lamb or kid selection, cooking instructions, eating and wiping the blood on the doorposts, God takes the extra step of describing how one should be dressed: 

v11 “In this manner you shall eat it: with your belt fastened, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. And you shall eat it in haste. It is the Lord’s Passover.” 

The Israelites needed to be ready to go, and probably in a hurry. 

Let’s remind ourselves that God does things in his own time (the best time). Often this may seem slow to us. 

But it may be sooner than we expect, and we need to be aware of this and not have extra unnecessary baggage. 

Dependency on Gods timing is very liberating and affords us a lightness of being and an absence of burdens. 

As Jesus said, “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matt 11:30 



Lord as we look forward to celebrating your wonderful gift of our Saviour, help us remember that in all things, your timing is the best timing. 

In all our work and our relationships, help us to be mindful of this as we grow in seeing your hand in our experiences. 



Doug Hedges 

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