“Men and women, don’t prepare any more gifts for the sanctuary. We have enough!” – Exodus 36:6
This was part of my reading three days ago. Eugene Peterson, in The Message version, puts it like this: “The people were ordered to stop bringing offerings! There was plenty of material for all the work to be done.” Two things immediately stand out as I read this:
    1. The people were ordered to stop giving—wow! What a vision they must have had for that need!
    2. There was enough for the work to get done. Praise God.


Update from the Last Gift Day

It was wonderful on the last Gift Day to bless the Berlin Church plant by sending 0-18’s workers to lead kids’ ministry at their church camp. We also gave a one-off gift to Arise Christian Counseling, supporting their work at JCC, and invested the rest into kingdom activities through this church.
Thank you again for giving so generously.

Where Are We Giving This October?

This Gift Day, we feel led to primarily support our brothers and sisters in Zambia. In February, the president declared a national disaster as 90% of the crops failed due to drought.
Last Sunday, we were privileged to welcome Joseph and Lilly, friends of JCC and New Frontiers apostles in Zambia. They shared with us the very real crisis they are facing as they support over 40 churches, 2 orphanages, and 3 schools, in addition to running a feeding programme that provides two meals a week to over 600 street children.
Working alongside local leaders and churches, we want to partner with Joseph and Lilly by funding emergency packs. These packs include enough food to feed a family of six for a month, along with grain for planting. This two-pronged approach addresses the immediate need while ensuring families don’t miss the opportunity to sow for a spring harvest.

Additional Projects

Secondly, we aim to contribute £5,000 to the Uganda Water Project. This team is planning to dig another borehole in Uganda as soon as the necessary funds are raised.
Finally, we want to donate £5,000 to New Ground as part of their annual offering. Their mission is to raise leaders, impact communities, plant churches, and reach nations.

A Call to Action

My prayer is that we, too, might say, “There was enough for all the work to be done!” Achieving this would require the largest Gift Day offering we’ve seen in 10 years, as the Zambia relief need alone is £45,000. This will provide approximately 1,000 families with £45 emergency packs, each designed to meet immediate needs and provide seeds for the next harvest.
I hope you will join us this autumn as we give. If you give online, please use the reference: giftday.
In love,
Dan Baptist – Lead Pastor
The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller. – Proverbs 11