Mark – John The Baptist

January 10, 2016

Bible Text: Mark1:1-8 |


John the Baptist: The time for our next season is here!

Key Text: Mark 1:1-8


We have been in it, but I believe we are in the season of further revelation and manifestation of Him (His Presence).

How do we co-operate with the Father, to walk in this, to move into this season?

  1. Through Repentance- accepting with God that where we are is not where we want to be and radically changing our ways.
  2. Through baptism - immerse yourself in all Jesus did. Be Full of the Holy Spirit
  3. By being ministers of the WORD, pointing people to Jesus, He must increase and I must decrease


Application Question:

What will a radical life and radical steps/actions involve for you in your personal circumstances?

Am I preparing the way making it smooth for Jesus? Or am I creating road blocks?

How do you define/ describe success in ministry? Was John successful in ministry? Why?

Sermon Topics: